Snow Removal Policies

Tenants responsible for snow removal must perform snow removal in compliance within their city of origin.  Any fines issued to the property associated with non-compliance of city ordinance will become the responsibility of the tenant.

Snow removal which is contractually included or allocated within your lease will be performed by a contracted snow removal company; routes shall be completed within 24 hours post the end of the final snow fall.  In the event a tenant requires snow removal prior to this time frame, the tenant will become responsible for said snow removal for egress of the property.

Snow removal is only performed in the event of a snow fall greater than 2 inches. In the event your vehicle is not removed from designated parking area during plowing, the tenant may risk not having the parking area plowed. Sidewalks are done up to the steps, tenants will be responsible for steps and landings. 

Aprons that have been snowed in after the initial contracted snow removal by the city plow truck will not be revisited and this will become the responsibility of the tenants.

Clearing areas of boulevard mailboxes is the tenant’s responsibility, not part of contracted snow removal. In the event the tenant’s boulevard mail is not deliverable per the postal servant’s standards; this become the tenant’s responsibility. 

Individuals contacting Chippewa Valley Property Management regarding snow removal will be directed to reference the website to acquire the snow removal procedures.


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